其实这个方法并没什么意义,首先,要通过 JS 判断@media中是否支持prefers-color-scheme,如果支持的话,那么就给需要转为 dark mode 颜色的标签加上一个自定义属性,比如data-color-scheme="true"什么之类的,然后再通过 CSS 去改变颜色。 p[data-color-scheme="true"]{/* 这里加入 dark mode 的颜色值来改变 p ...
For example, to supply CSS for dark theme: @media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { p { color: #fff; } } And similarly, a light theme: @media screen and (prefers-color-scheme: light) { p { color: #000; } } Combining the two, you could end up with something like ...
CSS 的媒体查询方法:prefers-color-scheme方法还处于 W3C 草案规范:https://caniuse.com/?search=prefers-color-scheme CSS 变量:CSS variables、CSS custom propertiesCSS 变量除了 IE,其余各大浏览器都支持的比较好:https://caniuse.com/?search=variables 二者配合就可以实现页面主题跟随系统自动切换深浅模式 。
This allows the page to indicate which color scheme it is comfortable being rendered with. Alternatively, you can add the following CSS to do this on a per-element basis: color-scheme:light dark; For more information regardingcolor-scheme, please ...
Use the light-dark() color function in CSS. Latest version: 2.0.7, last published: 3 months ago. Start using @csstools/postcss-light-dark-function in your project by running `npm i @csstools/postcss-light-dark-function`. There are 3 other projects in the
Dark Mode in CSS Get affordable and hassle-free WordPress hosting plans withCloudways—start your free trial today. With the introduction ofdark mode in macOS, Safari Technology Preview 68 has released a new feature calledprefers-color-schemewhich lets us detect whether the user has dark mode ...
其实这个和第一种方法差不多,目前facebook youtube 等,都是采用css 变量来实现 媒体查询与css变量实现 现在可以利用 CSS 的媒体查询方法:prefers-color-scheme 方法还处于 W3C 草案规范:https://caniuse.com/?search=prefers-color-scheme CSS 变量: CSS variables、CSS custom properties ...
logo { width: 150px; height: 150px; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 120px 80px 40px 20px #0ff; /* in order: x offset, y offset, blur size, spread size, color */ /* blur size and spread size are optional (they default to 0) */ } 这里使用多个阴影值来创建分层效果。您可...
一般推荐使用link标签解决 CSS 变量 + 媒体查询 window.matchMedia (https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/Window/matchMedia) 方法可以用来查询 指定的媒体查询字符串解析后的结果。 结合 CSS 变量和 matchMedia 的查询结果,设置对应的 CSS 主题颜色。该方法更灵活,可以单独抽离主题色进行适配。 CSS...
I am in need of making this color class work well - I am trying to have it so that if I give it a color, it will take that color, make it 20% darker, and