After three decades, nearly 19,000 of the participants had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Of the nearly 112,000 people who reported specifically on their dark and milk chocolate intake, nearly 5,000 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. People who consumed at least five ounces of any t...
Dark Chocolate: A Sweet Treat for Your Health Dark chocolate, often hailed as a superfood, has been linked to numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have shown that regular consumption of dark chocolate can lower the risk of developing this chronic...
Hardly a day goes by without a media source advising us to "Eat a tomato each day for better skin," "have a glass of red wine each night with dinner" — or some other dietary directive. Perhaps you've heard about the potential health benefits of dark chocolate and diabetes. But is it...
When facing the choice between milk and dark chocolate, yet another study suggests that reaching for dark chocolate is likely the more beneficial option. People who ate at least five servings of dark chocolate per week had a 21% reduced risk of developingtype 2 diabetes, compared to people who...
Eating five servings of dark chocolate a week is associated with a reduction in the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a long-term US study published by The BMJ.
The flavanols in cocoa are thought to increase insulin sensitivity, which over the long run might reduce the risk of diabetes. Lower blood pressure One review study found that eating dark chocolate helped to reduceblood pressure, though in small amounts. Other research found that it improvedblood...
People who ate at least five servings of dark chocolate per week had a 21% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to the study.
由Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa, which contains compounds known as flavanols(黄烷醇). At high levels, cocoa flavanols have been shown to help lower blood pressure and the risk of diabetes.黑巧克力富含可可,可可中含有黄烷醇。在高浓度下,黄可可醇被证明有助于降低血压和糖尿病的风险。可知黑...
Chocolate can easily fall into the ultraprocessed category — so would a doctor actually suggest that a person at risk for type 2 diabetes eat any chocolate, even if it’s dark? “Chocolate products are candy and contain sugar, so I don’t encourage people to consume chocolate for better ...
Type 2 diabetesRisk factorsChocolatePolyphenolsAntioxidantsTreatmentType 2 diabetes is generally characterized by hyperglycemia, insulin resistance (reduced insulin sensitivity), and obesity, which is associated with not only diabetes but also hyperlipidemia and hyper...