aThe change in urine colour to dark brown and the stool to pale off-white is classically associated with obstructive jaundice, but may not represent true posthepatic jaundice because "medical" causes can cause compression of the intrahepatic bile ducts. 因为“医疗”起因可能导致intrahepatic胆管的压缩...
Dark Brown Urine in a Patient Treated With Cefiderocoldoi:10.53854/liim-3102-16Lupia, TommasoSalvador, ElenaCorcione, SilviaDe Rosa, Francesco GiuseppeInfezioni in Medicina
dark-brown dark-brownly dark-brownly dark-coated dark-coated dark-colored dark-colored dark-coloured dark-coloured dark-complexioned dark-current pulse dark-eclipsing variables Dark-eyed Dark-eyed dark-eyed junco dark-eyed junco dark-eyed junco ...
We report a case who presented with dark brown urine and malaise after mothballs powder ingestion.doi:10.1080/15563650.2017.1305110TangKa YuenClinical ToxicologyTang KY. A patient presented with dark brown urine after mothballs powder ingestion. Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2017;55:674-5....
Brown urine can also be a symptom ofcirrhosis. That is the name for scars on theliverthat form after you've been living for years with hepatitis or other types ofliver disease. Early cirrhosis might not cause symptoms, but in advanced stages, it can cause brown urine as well as: ...
Old branches dark red, reddish brown, or gray-brown; herbaceous branchlets of current year gray-green, jointed; joints 1-4 cm. 老枝暗红色,红棕色,或灰棕色; 草质的当年小枝灰绿色,具关节; 具关节的1-4 厘米。 Capsule 1.5-3 cm; columella 1.2-2.9 × 0.6-1.1 ...
The skin turnsyellow,theurinedarkand,perhaps, the stool white, since it is bile that colors the stool brown. 皮肤因此而变黄、尿液呈深色;由于胆汁令粪便呈啡黄色,故此这时粪便亦可能呈白色。 ...
a"Foetid, exhausting diarrhoea. Aphthous diarrhoea;" which means that the parts of the anus that roll out are ulcerated, little aphthous patches inside of the margin. "Involuntary diarrhoea." Involuntary urine and stool in these low forms of disease. "Dark brown, mucous and bloody stools. Foet...
Thomas Brown // Wikimedia Commons Washington - Banned pets: crocodile, elephant, lion, tiger, cheetah, hyena Washington bans many of the usual suspects: bears, certain types of snakes, and the like. People who owned banned animals before the law took effect were allowed to keep their animals...
After My 6 year Boxer had an accident last night on the recliner love seat and did not get to the sofa but stayed on the blanket, I'm a believer in this wonderful blanket. All I had to do was pull up the blanket keeping her urine in the middle of the blanket and throw it in th...