The Dark Elves, or the Druchii as they call themselves in their own tongue, also known as the Naggarothi or the "Dark Ones,"[5a] are one of the most ancient, powerful, and certainly the most sadistic of the three major Elven civilisations of the Known World. In the bleak, chilly lan...
However, even then it took some time for the United States to eclipse Britain in its army and air force in the European theater – the former in terms of American divisions engaged in combat shortly after the Normandy landings – although the British navy remained predominant in the Atlantic. ...
However, when a project (especially smart contract related ones) gets hacked or rugged, no single victim would ever wish for "Code Is Law", and it turns out they still need to rely on the law in the real world. Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins If you don't own your keys, you don'...
Paddingallows setting a certain amount of padding around the edges of the icons to be configured including if the padding is on all sides or just certain ones. An example usage of padding is providing replacement icons for the Quick Fix indicators in the ruler of the editor. ...
Air Force Blue (USAF) Air Superiority Blue Alabama Crimson Alice Blue Alien Armpit Alizarin Crimson Alloy Orange Almond Amaranth Amaranth Deep Purple Amaranth Pink Amaranth Purple Amaranth Red Amazon Amber Amber (SAE/ECE) American Rose Amethyst ...
You’re mine –you’re a person who has had to earn pretty much everything in life, from money to your loved ones’ attention and affection; to you, relationships can be hard work; you are often expected to be in control; expressing your emotional needs may have been labeled as frivolou...
“Yes, father. They were everything to me.” I lowered my head, letting the tears come, and saw his shadow behind me. Search Rest in the Nightshade This blog is dedicated to the darker side of my imagination. May you find it as entertaining as I do. ...
The problem was that the medication also has a few “minor” side effects. (You know, the ones they slip by you during the barely understandable disclaimer that the soothing female voice races through on the commercials while you look at beautiful sunsets and adorable puppies.) For this med,...
Also always scan the walls for hiding Thralls, and keep note of the ones that patrol the area. There’s not one, but two giants chained up here: The one who tried to smash you earlier on the left, and another one near the front of the chapel on the right - both in mucky goop ...
If you have the ability, you can choose Linux, such as Ubuntu, or even extremely security & privacy focused ones like Tails, or Whonix. On the topic of Operation System, the most straightforward security principle is: pay close attention to system updates, and apply them asap when available...