My wife left a note on the fridge that said, "This isn't working." I'm not sure what she's talking about. I opened the fridge door and it's working fine! They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Well, not if it's poisoned. Then the antidote becomes the ...
Give a man a plane ticket and he flies for the day. Push him out of the plane at 3,000 feet and he'll fly for the rest of his life. I was in Russia listening to a stand-up comedian making fun of Putin. The jokes weren't that good, but I liked the execution. My wife of 6...
Making jokes about people who lost their legs in a war is a total no-go.What does climate change say to an iceberg? - Sea - you - later. Seen enough dark humor jokes? Discover a new category!What is the only phone you can give to an orphan without being insensitive?
Computer Jokes Crime & Prison Jokes Sports Jokes Pharmacy Jokes Stupidity Jokes Holiday Jokes Joke Collections: 70 Funny Limericks! Hilarious Coffee-Shop Pick Up Lines 48 Doctor Puns 101 Puns About History! These Poems Are For Kids With a Sense of Humor 42 Pizza Puns! 101 Jokes ...
” This is not the movie to make those jokes. Now, I have no confirmation of this, but this also feels like a movie that might have been shelved for a bit, as part of Universal (the movie’s distributor) and their ill planned (but not ill advised if we’re being honest) attempt ...
The film opens on Reagan’s 1981 speech to the AFL-CIO as he’s telling one of his patented jokes. He then proceeds out of the building where the sequence mixes in actual footage of him taking a bullet from close range … a shot that nearly took his life. The shooter (Hinkley) is ...
The arrested mind-frame is what allows for “bad jokes” like the present child abuse trauma story Fifty Shades of Grey into masturbation fodder for millions [referenced link]. This series will continue for at least one more part, as it has opened up our minds into solving present-day mys...
The humor in this comic stems from several elements: 1. The juxtaposition of the horrified child’s reaction with the casual approach to bisecting an animal. 2. The play on words “Don’t half a cow, man!” which sounds like “Don’t have a cow, man!” (a popular phrase meaning “...
Which is, of course, in no way to say that they might not still have won World War Two. History tells of many victories by grim and humorless leaders who led brutal regimes. But we instinctively sense a big difference between derisive vaunting laughter that excludes and truly joyful...
without consistent refrigeration, people either ate processed food and put on pounds or they suffered through shortages and depression and lost weight. toro told me some of her friends joked darkly about the thrilling results of this diet. heroic improvisation and gallows humor can only get a...