之后,Ironmace 在 Discord 数度公布自家并未抄袭 Nexon P3 项目的证据,包含发表《Dark and Darker》初期开发的 Log 档,期望稳固玩家社群的信任。而这一次 Playtest-5 测试活动虽然用到了老派的「BT 下载」来进行,不过却受到许多玩家的支持,在 Reddit 论坛里甚至展开了各种迷因图创作。另外,透过观察《Dark and...
之后,Ironmace 在 Discord 数度公布自家并未抄袭 Nexon P3 项目的证据,包含发表《Dark and Darker》初期开发的 Log 档,期望稳固玩家社群的信任。 而这一次 Playtest-5 测试活动虽然用到了老派的「BT 下载」来进行,不过却受到许多玩家的支持,在 Reddit 论坛里甚至展开了各种迷因图创作。 另外,透过观察《Dark and ...
A post on Reddit discusses the disappearance of the store listing for Dark and Darker from Steam. There is a subsequent edit sharing an explanation from the developer IRONMACE's Discord saying the game was hit by a cease and desist letter and DMCA takedown by Nexon. The background for this...
To play and download Dark and Darker, Ironmace has instructions and links to the game’s torrent onits Twitter pageand Discord server. As prescribed by the developers, it’s important that you grab the official hash for the torrent files, so that you don’t accidentally download something...
An official statement was posted on the Dark and Darker Discord (by way of Reddit) stating, "To all our fans, we have recently been served a cease and desist letter and DMCA takedown by Nexon regarding Dark and Darker based on distorted claims." "We are currently working with our legal ...
在接受PC Gamer采访时,开发商IRONMACE再次否认了抄袭的说法,或许在诉讼得到解决之前,《Dark and Darker》不太可能重返Steam平台。 《荒野大镖客:救赎》缺少诚意引发玩家不满 8月7日晚,RockStar Games突然宣布,诞生自2010年《荒野大镖客:救赎》及其DLC将于8月17日登陆PS4与Switch平台。对广大玩家来说,这本是个重温...
consider cross-checking theV-Syncoption for the game. To solve the Dark and Darker screen flickering issue, some players go through the graphic settings and attempt to find an option for V-sync, however, this ends up being completely useless. Now, without further delay, let’s get started....
Dark and Darker Mobileis slated to launch before the end of year, and we now have the first official details on some of the major ways it will differentiate itself from the original. First, some context. For those not in the know, Dark and Darker is a first-person, fantasy-themed extra...
Dark and Darker,简称为D&D,是由韩国国内游戏开发商IRONMACE开发的新作,游戏模式为PvEvP。 在游戏中,玩家需要操控角色探索地下城,同时对抗怪物、环境和其他冒险者。你需要尽可能多的带走战利品逃离,同时确保自己不会因为缺少补给而死亡! 游戏于2022年首次登陆Steam m,同时不定期开放测试,收获了大量好评。 分享1赞 ...