根据提供的信息,没有明确的官方Discord链接。但是可以了解到darkanddarker官网地址是https://darkanddarker.com ,可以在官网上进行购买和下载游玩,游戏介绍说这是一款由韩国游戏开发商IRONMACE开发的新作。最新公告的发布渠道是discord国内玩家不熟悉这个平台再加上网络限制无法顺利进入官网时可以通过加速工具来试试 2楼202...
Nexon发布了一份针对《Ironmace》的DMCA,迫使Steam将《dark and darker》从他们的服务中移除。DMCA的删除也阻止了Ironmace在那之前谈论游戏。今天是dmca宽限期的最后一天,Nexon必须在今天内提交投诉才能延长dmca,但Nexon没有提交投诉,所以dmca将被取消。dmca结束之前不能谈论游戏或者是测试开发时间,不然都是违法DMCA的 ...
开发了《Dark and Darker》的Ironmace,近日在其Discord服务器上向玩家发表的一份声明中表示法院已驳回Nexon以“侵犯商业秘密和版权”为由的禁令,“从而驳回了《Dark and Darker》是通过使用Nexon的商业秘密并侵犯其版权”。此前《Dark and Darker》凭借《龙与地下城》背景的多人生存地牢逃杀玩法名噪一时,但Nexon却...
由Ironmace开发的暗黑地牢冒险游戏《至暗时刻(Dark and Darker)》,在从Steam下架一年后似乎仍无望回归,但Ironmace正积极筹备在Epic重新与玩家见面。开发商在Discord频道上宣布:“随着我们游戏质量的日益完善,我们计划将《Dark and Darker》引入更广泛的玩家群体。我们非常高兴地宣布在Epic上线《Dark and Darker》的预购...
Ras and Xan - Let the Chaos Reign Run-Ons 1 Star Wars Battlefront ID list Gaming 16 Mass Effect 3? Gaming 2 [Solas Night-Thorn] Rise of the Lord of Craving Fiction 5 [CSP] Run On for Funsies Run-Ons 22 A Darker RP; A Darker Topic! 1 [An Alliance] Betrayal Forged Run...
举报两个恶意组队的如图,一路追人打,P本事没有只敢在哥布林恶心人 录视频了,来个8U拉一下Discord,我发给官方制裁这俩 分享62 darkanddarker吧 LDZ20021109 刚discord管理员,在一个人发能否在五月底看到ea下面发OKOK不过又快速撤回了,有人说他发错了 12913 darkanddarker吧 南湖沁水 现在网传的那个欠加班费的...
I hope the new people will stop by the comment sections and maybe say Hi to the authors once in a while (or endorse their mods if they like them).Also, I feel that things like Collections, Discord and Patreon has made Nexus feel more empty. Some authors won't respond to you (not ...
The Dark Realm, or the Underworld, is the second of the two realms of Jewelry Land in Yoshi's Safari. It contains five levels, which have a darker, more mystical theme to them. Once all of the levels are cleared, Bowser's Castle appears.
he says—but the toronto-based consultant, who helps companies develop ai tools, also hopes to raise awareness of the technology’s darker uses. “it can also be specifically trained to be quite gruesome and bad in a whole variety of ways,” cohen says. he’s a fan of the freewheeling...