DA-ResUNet: a novel method for brain tumor segmentation based on U-Net with residual block and CBAMdoi:10.1117/12.2611751TumorsBrainMagnetic resonance imagingImage segmentationBrain mappingCancerComputer programmingNeuroimaging3D modelingMedical imaging
resunet模型结构ResUNet(Residual UNet)是一种用于图像分割的深度学习模型,它结合了UNet的结构优势和残差学习的思想,以提高模型的性能和稳定性。UNet最初是由Olaf Ronneberger等人于2015年提出,用于生物医学图像分割。它的特点是有一个对称的“U”形结构,包括一个下采样(编码器)路径和一个上采样(解码器)路径,以及...
基于2.5D FSC-ResUnet的MS和NMOSD脑白质高信号分割系统是由吉林大学著作的软件著作,该软件著作登记号为:2024SR0259294,属于分类,想要查询更多关于基于2.5D FSC-ResUnet的MS和NMOSD脑白质高信号分割系统著作的著作权信息就到天眼查官网!
< Constitution > On both ends of linkage bar 1 sudden facilities se ru open 2 airThe Interpolation Inlaying doing in the mounting hole 4 which is provided in meeting of body 3, forming chain body 5As it does, installs stop 6 in both destals of the aforementioned chain body perNecessary...