What’s your favorite meme? Have you ever fallen asleep in class? Have you ever tripped in public and tried to play it cool? What’s the longest time you’ve gone without sleeping? Have you ever forgotten someone’s birthday? Have you ever copied someone’s homework or let them copy yo...
Shortly after finding that letter, a dream awoke me to the true power of my freedom. I have long understood that I was never strong enough to take the knife out of my mother’s hand. What my dream awakened was the truth — I am powerful enough to take the metaphorical knife out of ...
they armed them when thinking they were gonna have the clingers show up with theirs like they asked in that poor attempt at a poster/call to action meme (whether the designer was that stupid, or figured his bosses were and so went with Soviet agitprop, is still up for debate). Now that...
Do a strip dance while singing any song of your choice, record it and send it to me! Send the steamiest picture that you have on your phone. Send me a pic or video of you shirtless. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you right now. Describe the sexiest dream you...
Mime your dream job. Call a random person and sing Happy Birthday to them. Stand like a flamingo for the next four rounds. Kiss the player on your right on their cheek. Try to laugh without smiling. Balance a spoon on your nose for 10 seconds. Start telling jokes until all players are...