I daren't go; I don't dare (to) go; He wouldn't dare do a thing like that; Don't you dare say such a thing again! atraverse, osar 2. to challenge. I dare you to do it.desafiar noun a challenge. He went into the lion's cage for a dare.desafío, retoˈdaring adjective ...
1.to be brave enough (to do something).I daren't go;I don't dare (to) go;He wouldn't dare do a thing like that;Don't you dare say such a thing again!atraverse,osar 2.to challenge.I dare you to do it.desafiar noun
He dare not mention the subject again.他不敢再提起那个话题。We're so late I daren't look at my watch.我们太迟了,我连手表都不敢看一眼。I daren't think how much it's going to cost.我没敢想这得花多少钱。He dared not show that he was pleased.他不敢表示自己觉得高兴。Dare you tell ...
He would dare all things in the cause of justice.要是为了正义,他什么都不怕。 Why didn't you dare it before?为什么你以前不敢做这事? I will do it if I am dared.有人敢向我挑战我就敢做这件事。 I cannot suffer to be dared by any.我这个人就是禁不住人家用激将法来对付我。 S+~+(...
local program to a massive, and massively expensive, national campaign against drugs in schools. At its peak, DARE was practiced in75% of American schools, and cost hundreds of millions of dollars to run. It had spiffy, 90s branded swag, and a baritone-voiced mascot, “Daren the Lion.”...
I daren't go; I don't dare (to) go; He wouldn't dare do a thing like that; Don't you dare say such a thing again! atraverse, osar 2. to challenge. I dare you to do it.desafiar noun a challenge. He went into the lion's cage for a dare.desafío, retoˈdaring adjective ...
I daren't ask her for a rise.我不敢要求她加薪。 I don't know whether he dare try.我不知道他是否敢試一試。 She wanted the money badly, but she daren't ask for it.她急需用錢,但她不敢要。 He dare not mention the subject again.他不敢再提起那個話題。 We're so late I daren't loo...