{// Create a new record, i.e. row.varrecord =newSqlDataRecord(myMetaData);// Set the 1st colunm, i.e., position 0 with the correcponding value:record.SetInt32(0, num);// Add the new row to the table rows array:typeIdsParameter.Add(record); }using(IDbConnection conn =newSqlConnec...
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure); If you are looking for a generic way to convert the list intoDataTablefor Table-Valued parameter, you can implement an extension method as below: publicstaticclassIListExtensions{publicstaticDataTableToDataTable<T>(thisIList<T> list){ PropertyDescr...
For pre-2.0 TVPs, you would need to use .NET Framework, where you can use the.AsTableValuedParameter extensionmethods, but you don't have this option in .NET Core (as of Dapper v 1.5). To solve the problem you have to create a class that implementsICustomQueryMapper: publi...
{//约定:类型 User 对应的数据库表名 usersvartableName =typeof(T).Name.ToLower() +"s";returnconn.QuerySingleOrDefault<T>("select * from"+ tableName +"where ID = @ParamID",new{ ParamID =paramID }); } 可以看到其中的注释,一个模型类到数据库表的约定:User 模型对应于数据库表名 users,...
var tableName = typeof(T).Name.ToLower() + "s"; return conn.QuerySingleOrDefault<T>("select * from "+ tableName +" where ID = @ParamID", new { ParamID = paramID }); } 可以看到其中的注释,一个模型类到数据库表的约定:User 模型对应于数据库表名 users,这个约定有助于我们使用泛型,将...
{ tvp = salesOrders .ToDataTable() .AsTableValuedParameter("SalesOrderType") }; using var conn = _db.GetAdventureWorksConnection(); return await conn.ExecuteAsync(sql, param) .ConfigureAwait(false); }TVPs are ideal when you have thousands of rows or less. For millions of rows, use Bulk ...
Execute(@"insert MyTable(colA, colB) values (@a, @b)", foos); Assert.Equal(foos.Count, count);This works for any parameter that implements IEnumerable<T> for some T.PerformanceA key feature of Dapper is performance. The following metrics show how long it takes to execute a SELECT ...
Execute(@"insert MyTable(colA, colB) values (@a, @b)", foos); Assert.Equal(foos.Count, count); This works for any parameter that implements IEnumerable<T> for some T. Performance A key feature of Dapper is performance. The following metrics show how long it takes to execute a SELECT...
connection.Execute(@"insert MyTable(colA, colB) values (@a, @b)", new[] { new { a=1, b=1 }, new { a=2, b=2 }, new { a=3, b=3 } } ).IsEqualTo(3); // 3 rows inserted: "1,1", "2,2" and "3,3" This works for any parameter that implements IEnumerable for ...
Also i agree that checking existence is a good idea but i was wondering about any slight performance reduction in doing so even millisecond wise. Can you confirm then that as long as we pass params to sp_executesql SQL injection should not be that much of a conc...