selectedObject.NonMatchingColumn.Should().BeNullOrEmpty(); } [Test]publicvoidProperty_Using_Column_Mapping_Attribute_Is_Mapped_Correctly() {varselectedObject =SelectObjects(); selectedObject.Should().NotBeNull(); selectedObject.MappedColumn.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty(); selectedObject.MappedColumn.Sho...
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property,AllowMultiple=true)]publicclassColumnAttribute:Attribute{publicstringName{ get; set; } }publicclassFallbackTypeMapper:SqlMapper.ITypeMap{privatereadonlyIEnumerable<SqlMapper.ITypeMap> _mappers;publicFallbackTypeMapper(IEnumerable<SqlMapper.ITypeMap> mappers) { _mapper...
通过Attribute映射代码,网上找的,么得注释 /// /// Uses the Name value of the <see cref="ColumnAttribute"/> specified to determine/// the association between the name of the column in the query results and the member to/// which it will be extracted. If no column mapping is present all...
/// Uses the Name value of the <see cref="ColumnAttribute"/> specified to determine /// the association between the name of the column in the query results and the member to /// which it will be extracted. If no column mapping is present all members are mapped as /// usual. ///...
(int, string, etc) is queried then the data from the first column in assumed, otherwise an instance is created per row, and a direct column-name===member-name mapping is assumed(case insensitive). /// 异常:T:System.ArgumentNullException:type is null. /// </returns> public IEnumerable ...
代码语言:javascript 复制 classSchool{/* 若属性名和数据库字段不一致(不区分大小写)则查询不出数据,如果使用EF则可以通过Column特性 建立属性和数据表字段之间的映射关系,Dapper则不行 *///[Column("Name")]publicstring Title{set;get;}publicstring Address{set;get;}}classStudent{publicstring Name{set;get...
Dapper 单表 Object-Relation Mapping Dapper 是.Net 中非常优秀的ORM 框架, 功能强大, 容易掌握, 性能好. Dapper 为 IDbConnection 对象增加了非常扩展方法, 我们直接使用 IDbConnection 实例来查询/更新SQL接口. === 为SQL 参数传参 === 设计一个简单的 eqp 表, 插入...
Multi MappingDapper allows you to map a single row to multiple objects. This is a key feature if you want to avoid extraneous querying and eager load associations.Example:Consider 2 classes: Post and Userclass Post { public int Id { get; set; } public string Title { get; set; } ...
Dapper是一个轻量级的ORM(对象关系映射)框架,用于在.NET应用程序中进行数据库访问。Dapper Query()方法用于执行SQL查询并返回结果集。当使用Dapper Query()方法时,有时可能会遇到返回多个相同列的情况。 返回多个相同列的原因可能是由于查询中使用了JOIN操作或者多个表中存在相同的列名。在这种情况下,Dapper会将结果集...
Customisable entity mapping withClassMapper. Entites can be manipulated with attributes Custom IoC containers Multiple connection providers Support for Sql Server, Postgre Sql, MySql, SqlCe and SQLite Attributes DataContext - Which connection provider to use, defaults to__Default, you can additionally ov...