一、问题 之前的STLINK烧录器坏了,打算换个DAPLink试试,按照商家给的说明配置好,结果出现Error: "Cannot reset target. Shutting down debug session",如下图。 意思应该是软件无法复位程序,请关闭调试会话。 此时单片机处于卡死的状态,上一个程序还没擦除,按复位键没反应。 二、原配置方案 下面给出商家说明的...
In uVision when the Reset and Run option is set and you program via Menu->Flash->Download uVision tries to reset the nrf51 by setting the nRESET pin low using the DAP_SWJ_Pins command (confirmed by capturing wireshark logs) regardless of reset options. The problem is that the nrf51 d...
A short time after powering up the board, we can connect to the target just fine, but after a few seconds, the debugger disconnects from the target with the "unable to access the DAP" error message. We found ...
Keil上用的是CMSIS-DAP调试器,SWD接口,最开始总是连不上,显示RDDI-DAP error,调了速率、Reset方式等都不好用,最终发现把连接调试器和单片机板子的杜邦线都掰开就好了。杜邦线并在一起的时候容易互相干扰,产生通讯错误,分成一根一根的之后干扰会小很多。
If I modify initial_flash.bat to set the reset pin to HIGH before each programming step like this, then programming actually succeeds: However after programming, I cannot connect to the target in SmartSnippets or JLink Commander. SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.12i (Compiled Feb 3 ...
Type in the target device name if asked (Or type "?" for a target selection Dialog) Choose the correct target interface (JTAG/SWD/etc..) Use a valid speed (Default: 4000kHz, try 100-500 if default does not work) [JTAG only]JTAG conf can be default(most of the times) You should ...
Info : SWCLK/TCK = 1 SWDIO/TMS = 1 TDI = 1 TDO = 0 nTRST = 0 nRESET = 1Info : CMSIS-DAP:Interface readyInfo : VTarget = 3.294 VInfo : clock speed 1500 kHzError:DAP 'test.cpu 初始化失败(检查连接、电源等) 由于我们无法与程序员连接,请检查并帮助解决这个问题。 已解决!...
I have read earlier e2e community forum on the same issues of " could not connect to the target " and you are suggesting to use Uniflash software & UART to change the module to development mode from production mode. But the problem is that we dont have the...
This error message usually pops up if the target device is in a "confused" state due to e.g. the wrong register write. In some cases this can be recovered with a simple power on reset or if the chip implements it J-Link can try a recovery sequence. First we noticed you are ...
Target error from status-poll: Nn(05). Wire ACK Wait in DAP accessUnknown/broken state: Nn(05). Wire ACK Wait in DAP access: <cannot read registers>UnknownTarget error from Register access: Nn(05). Wire ACK Wait in DAP accessnonstop - GDB killing (vKill) non-existent PID...