Because of Wang Bi's emphasis on metaphysics, modern European commentators have almost universally favored an ontological reading of the Daodejing, which understands Dao as a monolithic, static, abstract, fundamental reality akin to the Vedantic concept of Brahman. I will argue that Wang Bi's ...
用道治理天下,鬼怪起不了作用。不但鬼怪起不了作用,神祇也不侵越人。不但神祇不侵越人,圣人也不侵越人。(《老子今注今译》陈鼓应) B. 用“道”治理天下,鬼神起不了作用,不仅鬼不起作用,而是鬼怪的作用伤不了人。不但鬼的作用伤害不了人,圣人有道也不会伤害人。( ...
中国电子烟委员会数据显示, 2021 我国电子烟年市场规模超过 1580 亿元人民币,出口额高达 1383 亿元,同比增长179%; 2021 年国内电子烟零售额 197 亿元人民币,同比增长36