The delta is not merely rich in animals and boasting a magnificent flora, it is also known for its cultural diversity. For thousands of years it has been a place of settlement, passage and refuge. With as few as 15,000 inhabitants, the delta is sparsely populated, but the people who liv...
Information about the Danube Delta, a UNESCO protected site in Dobrogea- Romania. Tourist brochures, maps, photos, advice, information on transportation and accommodations, wildlife, cruises on the Danube and excursions from RomaniaTourism.
River cruises on the ✅ Danube, ✅ Rhine, ✅ Main, ✅ Moselle, ✅ Douro, ✅ Seine and ✅ Rhône / Saône. Discover the most beautiful rivers in Europe with A-ROSA.
Town of Tulcea is the main gateway to the Danube Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Biosphere Reserve that is home to the third largest biodiversity in the world (over 5,500 flora and fauna species). Local companies offer, small-boat, sightseeing tours and excursions as well as wildlife/ birdwat...
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