#鬼影重重# 死亡之舞(法语:Danse Macabre),是欧洲中世纪后期出现的一种艺术体裁,与西方基督教中的“Memento mori”(意为“勿忘你终有一死”)理念一脉相承。见于各类绘画作品中。其常见的主题是拟人化的死亡(如骷髅),寓意着生命的脆弱和世间众生注定死亡的命运。现存最早的死亡之舞艺术作品见于巴黎圣无辜者公墓的...
Danse Macabre images have continued to appear throughout the centuries, each generation offering its own interpretation. Striking examples include the German painter Hans Holbein's classic woodcuts, first published in 1538, and German artist Fritz Eichenberg's visual commentary on the brutality of mor...
Perhaps the most famous danse macabre is the series of woodcuts by Hans Holbein the Younger, published in 1538, inspired by medieval examples but characterised very much by a Renaissance approach. Centuries later the danse macabre inspired composers such as Franz Schubert, Franz Liszt and Camille ...