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Nannan: 2.But I will learn it after the party.Danmaku 3: I know you are the director. 3.Nannan: Yes. I think they are very clever and great.Danmaku 4: What's your favourite food?Nannan: Chicken. It's delicious. At last, I want to ask you a question. 4.Danmaku 5: I can ...
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Danmaku(弹幕)1: Hello! 1. C Nannan: Haha! The basketball show.Danmaku 2: Can you play stunt(特技) basketball?Nannan: 2. E 1I will learn it after the party.Danmaku 3: I know you are the director. 3.Nannan: Yes. I think they are very clever and great.Danmaku 4: What's your ...
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五 张鹏搬新家了,他通过网络直播向大家介绍自己的新家,补全对话。Zhang Peng: Welcome to my live stream(直播间). Danmaku(弹幕) 1: Wow, your new house is nice. You have a big living room.Zhang Peng: Yes. 1.___Danmaku 2: 2.___Zhang Peng: Yes. I read books in my study.Danmaku 3...
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