Domain 3: InstructionCompetency3bUsing Questioning and Discussion TechniquesQuestioning and discussion are the only instructional strategies specifically referred to in the framework for teaching; this reflects their central importance to teachers’ practice. But in the framework, it is important that ...
Utilizing the knowledge and skills of backwards design, Danielson's Framework for Teaching, STEL resources, and the 6E model, technology and engineering teachers should be able to write standards-based lesson plans and curriculum that ... S Bartholomew,T Loveland,V Santana - 《Technology & Enginee...
Many districts chose the Danielson Framework as their evaluation model. The purpose of this study was to examine teachers' perception related to their understanding of the Danielson Framework and to uncovered teachers' perception related to their evaluator's understanding of the framework. The study ...
This quantitative study determined the correlation between teacher ratings as measured by the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teachers and student achievement in math, student achievement in reading, and teacher experience level. Student achievement in mathematics and reading was measured by growth scores...
The purpose of the qualitative participatory action research study was to evaluate how the Danielson Framework of Teaching displays constructivist views in its domains, promote educator growth, involve teachers in the evaluative process and engage students to increase achievement. The participatory action ...
The researcher believes that the teachers interviewed in this study perceive that if educators are given the opportunity to reflect deeply on their practice through a common framework like what is presented in the Danielson Framework, teachers can identify both their strengths and weaknesses and set ...
conceptualized in Danielson's Framework for Teaching, a commonly used evaluation tool. The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine which of the 4 domains and 76 elements of Danielson's framework are viewed by award-winning teachers as having the greatest impact on effective teaching ...
We consider the broader political landscape of the last 25 years to suggest that The Framework for Teaching illuminates a preoccupation in education with so-called measurable results in ways that hurt teachers while advancing political agendas and profiting private corporations. Next, we rely on ...
There is no previous research on Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching and Advance for special education teachers. This study provides information regarding the use of these programs in evaluating special education teachers, the perceptions of these programs by special education teachers, and if ...
The Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis showed an alignment between the Danielson framework for teaching and the holistic leadership competencies when mapped. Teachers in the highly effective components of the Danielson framework showed the qualities of leadership.Best, Dawn A...