fake.name() # Sabrina Martins fake.last_name() # Rocha fake.first_name() # Maitê fake.prefix() # do faker.providers.companyfake.company() # Lima Azevedo e Filhos fake.company_suffix() # - EI faker.providers.internetfake.ipv4() # fake.url() # http://www.carvalho.com...
emmartins / quickstart emreisikligil / quickstart enigmasse / quickstart ensouza93 / quickstart epmplpvp / quickstart erandacr / quickstart erdodig / quickstart EricJLarson / quickstart esanchezros / quickstart esgee85 / quickstart eurismarpires / quickstart ...
圣保罗 Live的精彩表演包括 Filipe Martins、Salomão Soares、Mari Jacintho、Daniel Silveira、Marcus Abjaud 和 Deusnir Souza,在巴西圣保罗 Estúdio Da Pa Virada 现场录制。 今天分享第二集是Salomão Soares,新一代巴西爵士音乐家中最有才华的钢琴家之一。Salomão Soares 出生于帕拉伊巴州,居住在圣保罗市,是...
Use a new array and concatenate it with the spread input array causing a shallow denesting of any contained arrays. const flatten = arr => [].concat(...arr); Examples flatten([1, [2], 3, 4]); // [1,2,3,4] ⬆ Back to top flattenDepth Flattens an array up to the speci...