The following persons called "Daniel" are mentioned in the O. T.: 1. A son of David by Abigail (I Chron. iii. 1); the parallel passage (II Sam. iii. 3) has "Chileab"; but this reading is perhaps a corruption due to the fact that the last three letters of are identical with ...
Hebrew letters are glyphs. One of the letters in Nachash is a glyph meaning “shooting forth” like a reptiles tongue. They didn’t have a word for proton accelerator when the scripture was interpreted in other languages. In government experiments they shot forth protons at metals like lead an...
"Ruler" (NIV), "prince" (NRSV, ESV, KJV) in both verses 25 and 26 isnāgîd, "ruler, leader, captain"[247](though they refer to different individuals). It is important to note that there are no capital letters in Hebrew or Aramaic to denote deity, so the reader must determine (...
Daniel Prays for His People - In the first year of Darius son of Ahasuerus, who was of Median descent and who had been appointed king over the
God should be our source of hope, joy, and peace. There is joy and peace in resting in the hope of the gospel and unabashedly bringing others to know the truth, too. God should be our source of hope, joy, and peace. We should fear the wrath of God before we are found in Christ...
Daniel 9:2 sn The tetragrammaton (the four Hebrew letters that constitute the divine Name, YHWH) appears 8 times in this chapter and nowhere else in the book of Daniel. Daniel 9:3 tn Heb“face.” Daniel 9:3 tn The Hebrew phrase translated “Lord God” here is אֲדֹנָ...
"Negligence" is translated from the Hebrew "שָׁלוּ" (shalu), meaning oversight or carelessness. The repetition of "corruption" emphasizes the thoroughness of the investigation against Daniel and the purity of his conduct. The phrase "was found in him" suggests an exhaustive ...
Thus Canon Driver, by no means an extreme critic, declares that, while "the Hebrew and Aramaic permit" a late date, these Greek words "demand" that the date of Daniel be placed as late as the period of the Syrian power. The words in question are - qathros, pesanterin, sum-phonya....
Biblical scholars have noted that the Jewish scribes who painstakingly copied the Hebrew text meticulously counted the verses, words, and letters of the Hebrew Bible. As demonstrated by the Leningrad Codex, these summations were noted in margins of the text. One particularly interesting feature of ...
Our heavenly Father's Son, "Michael, Prince Emmanuel", meaning "like God", or "God with us", became "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" (see Isaiah 7:14; 53:10; John 1:29). This means that Jesus (Joshua/Yeshivain Hebrew meaning "God saves") abolished the ...