What Makes a Leader? by daniel goleman Daniel Goleman is the author of Emotional Intelligence (Ban- tam, 1995) and Working with Emotional Intelligence (Bantam, 1998). He is cochairman of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, which is based at Rut- gers ...
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Daniel Goleman’s article“What Makes a Leader?” was a very interesting analysis of the traits that make a leader. The article provides an examination of the relationship between emotional intelligence and the effective performance of leaders in organizations. His article looks at each component tha...
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当当网图书频道在线销售正版《成为领导人(哈佛商业评论系列) HBR: ON WHAT MAKES A LEADER HAR》,作者:Daniel Goleman 著,出版社:WW Norton 美国诺顿图书出版公司。最新《成为领导人(哈佛商业评论系列) HBR: ON WHAT MAKES A LEADER HAR》简介、书
Daniel Goleman (1946) is a Ph.D. graduate in psychology from Harvard University. He is also the founder of the Emotional Leadership styles and the five components of emotional intelligence. It is the ability to perceive emotions so as to assist thought, to understand emotions and emotional ...
In his defining work on emotional intelligence, bestselling author Daniel Goleman found that it is twice as important as other competencies in determining outstanding leadership.If you read nothing else on emotional intelligence, read these 10 ar...
Figure 1 – the Daniel Goleman Leadership Styles 1. The Affiliative Leader This type of the Goleman Leadership Styles is concerned with harmonizing the team when there is a negative ambiance. In this leadership style, the leader tries to solve conflicts within the group by attempting to make the...
My original take on the concept names five components of EI, as does my 1998 Harvard Business Review article “What Makes a Leader?” (even now, more than two decades later, one of their most-requested reprints). But subsequent research has suggested that two of these domains—motivation ...