Daniel G. Amen, MD is a child and adult psychiatrist, brain imaging specialist, bestselling author, and the medical director of Amen Clinics, Inc. He is Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine and a Distinguished Fe...
Developed by Daniel G. Amen, MD, bestselling author and double board-certified psychiatrist with over 30 years of clinical practice. Powered by the world's largest database of functional brain scans -200,000 and growing. Amen Clinic's research has ...
他發現注意力缺失症可分為六種類型,每種都有對應的腦功能異常狀況及治療方式: 第一型:典型ADD——注意力不集中、容易分心、缺乏組織能力、過動、衝動←大腦缺乏多巴胺 第二型:渙散型ADD——注意力不集中、容易分心但沒有過動傾向←多巴胺失調 第三型:過度集中型ADD——過度憂慮、好爭辯、衝動、經常陷在負面思考...
Dr. Daniel G. Amen, board-certified in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry and licensed in nuclear brain imaging, has discovered that there are seven types of attention deficit disorder, each with its own distinctive brain dysfunctions and treatments Type 1— Classic ADD —Inattentive, ...
Right – you are like a Black Life that “thought it mattered” – until your Mother brought you to abortion clinic!! – Or like a White Life that “thought you mattered” until your Mother brought you the queer gay transgender “commie school” for Story Time perverts to tell you to cu...
Amen. I’ve repeatedly warned that a European-sized welfare state would mean European-sized taxes on lower-income and middle-class Americans. And what’s remarkable (and discouraging) is that some politicians in the U.S. want to expand entitlements even though many European governments now reali...
Amen. This is a point I’ve made over and over and over and over again. Meanwhile, the Indian Express also has a column, written by a former Chief Economist at the World Bank, on how demonetization has been a failure. …a wealth of analysis and data have become available. Demonetisation...