上图的基础型V7加装有丹尼尔防御的MFR M-LOK护手,采用16英寸冷锻枪管,枪管浮置以提高射击精度。 DDM4®V7®S V7 S是V7系列的短管版本,采用11.5英寸冷锻枪管。 DDM4®V7® PRO GUN METAL GRAY 上图这款V7是V7系列的专业竞赛版本,采用18英寸重型冷锻长枪管,配合15英寸MFR护手,拥有同级别武器中极为优秀的精...
Daniel Defense是一家专门生产美国民用、竞赛射击和专业用途AR-15步枪的制造商。该公司生产的卡宾枪和步枪在美国非常受欢迎,当然其价格和质量也绝对不是那些入门级产品可以比的。最近Daniel Defense公司又推出了一款旗舰半自动步枪——DDM4 V7步枪,专门为要求严苛的比赛射击者和射击爱好者而设计的。收起枪托时整枪长82...
Daniel Defense是一家专门生产美国民用、竞赛射击和专业用途AR-15步枪的制造商。该公司生产的卡宾枪和步枪在美国非常受欢迎,当然其价格和质量也绝对不是那些入门级产品可以比的。 最近Daniel Defense公司又推出了一款旗舰半自动步枪——DDM4 V7步枪,专门为要求严苛的比赛射击者和射击爱好者而设计的。收起枪托时整枪长82...
好想买系列……Daniel Defense的DDM4V7……#兵器影像[超话]##实弹射击# http://t.cn/A6arto63
创意工坊:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3421357130 DDM4 V7。 替换M16,很长的一个武器( 组合镜版之前发过了,自己找就行了。 动作来自@逝去的十月 的URG-I M4(M16) 原动作链接:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3419622036 源动作来自@BaiFvckmouse 有RNG换...
Daniel Defense is one of those AR companies whose parts and rifles are well-known and respected by those serious users who have seen combat but whose name has not been that well-known to the general gun-owning public until everyone started buying ARs. It has earned a reputation for quality...
I realize that national defense is one of the few legitimate functions of the federal government, but that doesn’t mean the Pentagon budget isn’t riddled with waste, fraud, and abuse. Here’s a jaw-dropping examplereported by Bloomberg. ...
Daniel Defense DDM4 V7 PRO AR15 style firearm is chambered in 5.56mm with 18 inch barrel, Geissele SD-3G Trigger, 15 inch M-LOK rail and rifle length gas system
Shop all the latest and greatest Daniel Defense firearms, accessories and more at Impact Guns. Find new guns like the Delta 5 rifle, or other top sellers like the MK18 rifle.
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