Do you know your unique brain type? Take the brain health assessment by renowned psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Amen and discover how to improve your brain health today!
Brad answers his own question, stating that “the answer is clear” and that the FDA should “get out of the way.” Amen. Indeed, “get out of the way” should be our attitude about almost every action by politicians and bureaucrats. I’ll close by making the should-be-obvious point ...
Since both Starr and Moynihan were Democrats, they obviously were not trying to portray pre-1960s NYC as a libertarian Nirvana. But they both made the point that the city functioned well when politicians spent moneyon thingsthat at least in theory (and often in reality) generated a positive ...
Amen. Once the camel’s nose is under the tent, it would simply be a matter of time before eurobonds would become a vehicle for bigger government in general and more country-to-country transfers in particular. Hopefully this terrible idea will be blocked by nations such as Germany, Sweden,...
Amen. If you believe in private property, the owners of a business should have the right to decide whom they employ and whom they do business with. Just as consumers can choose where to shop and workers can choose to leave jobs they don’t like. Here’s a final excerpt from the articl...
This is sad news. Test scores in Kentuckyare mediocreand there’sso much evidencethat school choice leads to better outcomes. Soteacher unionsfinally got a victory aftera bunch of defeats. P.S. When presented with ballot initiatives, voters in Switzerland seem to have a better track record (...
Amen. This change would be good for taxpayers and good for the environment. When I issued myEighteenth Theorem of Government, I was mostly thinking about thepreening nitwits in the British royal familyand thehypocrites in who go to Davos. ...
Amen. Amity is right (andhistorians are wrong) aboutthe destructive policiesof the 1930s. P.S. Amity also includes some discussion ofwhat happenedduring the “Forgotten Depression” shortly after the end of World War I. Hardingdid the oppositeof Hoover and Roosevelt andgot infinitely better resu...
Amen. I wrote that Japan was a “basket case” back in 2013. A bit of hyperbole, to be sure, but I was trying to drive home the point that the nation’s politicians have made some costly mistakes. Not just industrial policy, but also tax increases, Keynesian spending, and other forms...
Amen. Big governmentis coercive government, regardless of what label is applied. Which is why libertarianism (what Hayek would have called liberalism, meaningclassical liberalism) is the proper philosophy of government. Assuming, of course, one values individual rights and civil society. ...