Danhong huayu koufuyeDeep vein thrombosisInflammationSIRT1NF-kappaBEthnopharmacological relevance Danhong Huayu Koufuye (DHK), a compound traditional Chinese medicine, is composed of Salvia miltiorrhiza radix (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge.), Angelicae Sinensis radix (Angelicae Sinensis (Oliv.) Diels.), ...
Danhong huayu koufuye prevents deep vein thrombosis through anti-inflamma- tion in rats. J Surg Res 2016;201(02):340-347Z. Zhang, L. Hu, W. Chen, C. Zhou, G. Gui, and B. Lin, "Danhong Huayu Koufuye prevents deep vein thrombosis through anti-inflammation in rats," The Journal ...
在老鼠的糖尿病的 retinopathy 上的 danhong huayu koufuye 的预防效果DANHONGhuayukoufuyeDIABETICRETINOPATHYSTREPTOZOTOCINFASTINGbloodglucoseMICROCIRCULATION· AIM: To study the effects of danhong huayu koufuye (DHK) on fasting blood glucose (FBG) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) in streptozotocin (STZ)-...