➁No.2 Liaoning Regional Geological Survey Team, 1970, Explanatory Text for 1∶200 000 Scale Geological Map: Wengniute Banner Sheet ➂Badangshan (i.e. west hills of Saiwusu) in Jiefangyingzi Township, Wengniute Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ➃For a sequence of acidic volcanic...
二等座 759预订 一等座 1215预订 商务座 2342预订 12:32 砀山南 6时32分 G315 19:04 重庆北 645.5 二等座有票 一等座(抢) 商务座4张 二等座 645.5预订 一等座 1032抢票 商务座 2072.5预订 12:58 砀山 21时38分 K15 10:36 +1 重庆西 192 硬座有票 硬卧有票 软卧5张 无座有票 硬座 192预订...
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➁No.2 Liaoning Regional Geological Survey Team, 1970, Explanatory Text for 1∶200 000 Scale Geological Map: Wengniute Banner Sheet ➂Badangshan (i.e. west hills of Saiwusu) in Jiefangyingzi Township, Wengniute Banner, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ➃For a sequence of acidic volcanic...
The Age of the Original Silurian Badangshan Formation and its Ductile Deformation in the Northern Margin of North China Craton: New Evidence from Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Ages[J]. CUI Yuliang,Qu Hongjie,CHEN Yingfu,WANG Sen,MENG Xianfeng,SONG Dianlan,ZHANG Wenyong,WANG Huan.Acta Geologica Sinica(...
Objective Many previous researches have documented the tectonic evolution of the northern margin of North China Craton.However,whether the age of original Silurian Badangshan Formation in the study area belongs to the Archean,Silurian or Devonian remains controversial,and the ductile deformation time of...