To investigate the improvement in peripheral circulation in autonomic disorders, we monitored skin temperature in the tails of rats by thermography before and after the oral administration of boiled water extract of Toki-shigyakuka-gosyuyu-syokyo-to (TSGS-to). Oral administration of this extract ...
OBJECTIVE: To show whether Danggui Sini plus Wuzhuyu Shengjiang Tang(DSWST) has any transient effect on erythrocyte deformability in normal subjects.METHODS: A total of 25 subjects [mean age(27.8卤 1.8) years] was enrolled in this study. The study was designed as a cross-over trial in ...
当归四逆汤附方 ①通脉四逆汤(《重订严氏济生方》),即本方加附子、吴茱萸、生姜构成功能温经袪寒,活血通脉,主治霍乱寒多,肉冷脉绝。 ②当归四逆加吴茱萸生姜汤(《伤寒论》),即本方加生姜、吴茱萸构成。功能温经通络,温中降逆。主治手足致寒,脉细欲絶,其人内有久寒,兼有呕吐,脘腹冷痛等症。 当归四逆...
制剂用法水煎服,1剂水煎2次,取汁400mi,早晚分服,每日1剂,10天为1疗程。 适应病证慢性盆腔炎。更多: 病案举隅李某,36岁,小腹疼痛坠胀3年余,因3年前取环,时间较长,术后感下腹疼痛,阴部坠胀,腰骶部酸痛,流血样带曾用抗生素治疗,症状未见好转。妇科检查有炎性包块,B超示子宫内膜炎...
OBJECTIVE: To show whether Danggui Sini plus Wuzhuyu Shengjiang Tang (DSWST) has any transient effect on erythrocyte deformability in normal subjects.doi:10.1016/S0254-6272(18)30917-8JiEun LeeSeung-Yeon ChoSeong-Uk ParkWoo-Sang JungSang-Kwan Moon...