dangguibuxuetang 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Study of Polar Components in Dangguibuxuetang Decoction and Its Individual Herbs 当归补血汤及其组成单味药极性成分的研究 2. Treating 85 cases of trauma infection with Dangguibuxuetang 当归补血汤治疗创伤感染85例 www.ilib.cn隐私...
Danggui Buxue Decoction for the qi and blood basis,is Li Dongyuan "Gan warmin addition to heat" on behalf of side,combined with western medicine treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis anemia/hypoproteinemia,28 d hemoglobin 120g/L,anemia appearance disappeared,(Albumin 39.6g/L,globulin 21.1g/L,...
of the drugs, the present invention is a breakthrough on the art DBD having bone marrow proliferation of stromal cells technical prejudice, provided Dangguibuxuetang new applications in enhancing the ability of bone marrow cell aggregation and / or increased bone marrow stromal cells adherent ...
The present invention discloses a Dangguibuxuetang applications, in particular in the preparation of bone marrow cells to enhance the ability to gather drug and / or an increase in the manufacture of bone marrow stromal cells adherent ability of the drugs, the present invention is a breakthrough...
有形之血出于无形之气,故方中重用黄芪甘温补气,以济生血之源,《本草备要》且谓其“泻阴火,解肌热”;辅以当归甘辛苦温,为补血之要品,补营之要药。黄芪剂量五倍于当归,取其阳生阴长,气旺而血自生之义。 当归补血汤按语 本方以肌热面红、气血两虚、焦渴欲饮、脉大而虚、重按无力为辨证要点。现代常用本...
当归味厚,为阴中之阴,故能养血,而黄芪则味甘补气者也。今黄芪多于当归数倍,而曰补血汤者,有形之血不能自生,生于无形之气故也。《内经》曰:阳生阴长,是之谓尔。 ②《成方便读》。如果大脱血之后,而见此等脉证,不特阴血告匮,而阳气亦欲散亡。斯时也,有形之血不能速生,无形之气所当急固。故以...
dangguibuxuetangsan 当归补血汤三当归补血汤三组成当归 适量 黄芩 适量 茯苳 适量 当归补血汤三的功效与作用及主治产后乍寒乍热,血虚而渴。 当归补血汤三用量用法黄芩炙。 水煎服。 当归补血汤三方源《盘珠集》卷下。 Copyright©2021 yc.xjlz365.com 本站内容仅供参考,不作为诊断及医疗依据...
当归补血汤一 当归补血汤一的功效与作用及主治 妊娠下痢腹痛,小便涩。 当归补血汤一用量用法 当归炒。 上药研粗末。水煎,去渣,分4次温服。 当归补血汤一方源 《妇人良方》卷十五,名见《玉机微义》卷五。
当归黄芪主治:劳倦内伤,血气亏虚引起的肌热面赤,烦渴欲饮,脉洪大而虚,以及妇女产后经期血虚发热,头痛,或疮疡溃后久不愈合等。功用:补气养血。 更多:https://www.bmcx.com/ <当归补血汤>最新更新: 甘松 娑罗子 八月扎 玫瑰花 太子参 党参补气生血 补气血类食谱 绿萼梅 黃芪雞汁粥 补气益气片 民间的补血...
Effects of Jiawei Danggui Buxuetang on miRNA-155 and SOCS1 in renal tissue of DKD ratsWANG Yi-fanGU YueSHEN Yu-hangDING XinLYU ZheWANG Xin-aiGUO Deng-zhouJournal of Hainan Medical University