Dr. Ravnskov M.Dreports that the Masai blood cholesterol levels are among the lowest in the world. For decades now we have been told not to eat saturated fats. Years ago the media ran the all too familiar line about the dangers of eggs. This message has been rescinded at least. But w...
MSG can be in many dog foods, under various disguises. One of the pet food industry’s favorite forms of MSG is hydrolyzed protein, also used to enhance flavor. If you see “natural flavoring” or “digest” on the label, it’s probably hydrolyzed protein. It can also appear under other...
— Not a natural food — Round-Up and the international herbicide market — Many contaminants — Europe's stance on genetic engineering — Extreme processing — The end of biodiversity — Hydrogenation — What the real experts say — Soy protein isolate — Who really runs the FDA and EPA ??