and a heightened risk of cancer is too high a price to pay for pretty nails. (34) It also targets the central nervous system (to the point of brain damage), can change behavior and impair basic dexterity and
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowsy driving is the “dangerous combination of driving when sleepy.” When drowsiness seeps into your consciousness, it can have the same effects that alcohol has on your brain. Drowsiness can: Divert a driver’s attention away...
I think it can be related that i was doing some cleaning of the internal organs at that time. I've been reading through the comments here and i plan on doing the following things: 1. No alcohol and smoking; 2. Smaller amounts of sweet stuff (sugar, candies, sodas); 3. I eat ...
I think it can be related that i was doing some cleaning of the internal organs at that time. I've been reading through the comments here and i plan on doing the following things: 1. No alcohol and smoking; 2. Smaller amounts of sweet stuff (sugar, candies, sodas); 3. I eat ...