Magic mushrooms, are a specific species of mushrooms that have hallucinogenic effects. These mushrooms contain in them two drugs called psilocybin and psilocin. These two substances, when they are entered into a user’s body, will affect the user’s nervous system and brain chemicals, resulting ...
MDMA freebase is a non-salt form of ecstasy, in the form of oil, homemade (rarely) from MDMA powder, intended for smoking. Common Combination of Ecstasy With Other Drugs Ecstasy + psilocybin mushrooms (hippy flip) causes hallucinations Ecstasy + ephedrine (the drug that widens breathing airways...
(Catha aedulis; active substances: cathinone and cathine), psilocybe mushrooms (Psilocybe sp.; active substance: psilocybine), peyotl (Lophophora williamsii; active substances: mescaline, lophophorine), morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor; active substances: ergoline alkaloids) and lemon balm (Melissa ...