What is put on social media through apps and programs can make children easy targets for not only cyberbullying, self-harming prompts, and online predators who are experts at grooming kids and navigating the online world while keeping parents out of the loop. Here’s what’s on social media ...
While it is a nice sentiment and the presence of cameras in nearly every cellphone has made it easy to take and exchange pictures, there are certain considerations one should keep in mind, according to Joseph Turow, the Robert Lewis Shayon Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School for...
Posting photos from the trip you're currently on could alert criminals that you're currently out of town. Sharing pictures of your home or hobby could inadvertently reveal that you have valuable items like art, jewelry, electronics, or desirable collections to people who might want to steal the...
We’ve known for a long time that some people like to make their lives seem, well, a tad bit better than they really are through selective posting of pictures and experiences online. Us commoners tend to get away with it without too much risk, but sugar-coating reality ...
Get the word out-use the social media links. #5 by Eileen on March 12, 2013 - 6:29 am Joe, Do lead protectors help at all? I know whenever my kids get Xrays, the nurses put a lead protector on the lower half of their bodies. I’m so glad for all the information you’re ...
Basically, what you post online can be seen by anyone. I think everyone should be educated on internet risks and dangers of internet predators. When creating a social media account, information that is input is viewed by the public unless privacy settings are adjusted. Some information like your...
Despite strict regulations implemented by militaries, many soldiers share details of their service, especially in this era of instant news and social media. These bragging rights jeopardize not only the safety of the soldier posting images but also that of fellow troops and their families. ...
Melissa Bour teaches sixth grade science and math, but it’s her lesson on social media that’s really striking a chord with children and their parents.Alarmed by some of the images she saw on Facebook, Bour — who works at Emerson Elementary School in T
Very unlikely, unless you’re posting videos of yourself all over the place with proper lighting, that kind of thing. But I mean, that’s becoming more and more of the thing, is people start posting on social media—video, these little 50-second video clips. They add up over a while....