FromThe Dangers in My Heart Media Typeanime Voiced ByMegumi Han, 潘めぐみ, はん めぐみ Tagsponytail,school uniform Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations Week 0Character of the Weeknominations Month 0Character of the Monthnominations ...
The deadly nightshade plant, or belladonna, is extremely poisonous. It contains atropine, a potentially dangerous chemical that has some important medical uses. Please take a moment to answer some of the below polls that can help people better understand the risks with using poppers According to most 'queer' health publications, poppers are not psychologically addictive. If you are a poppers user, do you feel that poppers are addi...
currently watching all of my artist friends beg people not to use fantasy portrait generators on social media that are so sloppy in their art theft as to leave the original artists’ signatures visible in the AI generated final product, I decided that this was something I should keep my eye...
Bristol Stool Chart sourced from Wikimedia Commons The frequency and consistency of stool varies considerably even under normal conditions. Passing stools less than 3 times a day to more than 3 times a week is considered normal, even if the stool is mushy or watery. Diarrhea is defined as a...
Explaining Why There is The Medical Necessity To Warn People About Dangers of Soy Exposing the Endless Lies, Deception, & Cover-up by the Pro-Soy Supporters, and in ( ?. Dr.) Justine Butler's 2010 Article …―Ignore the Anti-Soya Scaremongers – No Evidence‖ This article … http... Reply to Bane Lizzie January 19, 2015 - 00:35 You're right, he/she doesn't know the difference between CORTICOsteroids and ANABOLIC steroids. I'm asthmatic and CORTICOsteroids have been lifesavers for me. All of my family members who have ...
at risk of my comment being zapped [Clarification, (appropriate) mention of trolleybuses is not banned. Just mention of them in the form of a digression from a digression from a digression from the overground. Malcolm] … Walthamstow Writer: “Let’s be clear – there are no viable all el...
Photo via Wikipeadia Why Smart Meter’s Are Dangerous Smart meters are a part of an overall systemthat includes, where wireless is the means of transmission, a series of wireless antennas at the neighborhood level. The system collects and transmits wireless information from all the smart meters...