Brannon B. Kinghas worked as a full-time software developer for 12 years, eight of which have been spent deep in C# and the .NET Framework. His most recent work has been with Autonomous Solutions Inc. (ASI) near Logan, Utah ( ASI is unique in its ability to foster a...
In the early 2000s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) phased them out in place of safer alternatives. "Cinnabar occurs in near-surface, shallow veins [of volcanic rock], making it easy to mine," says Terri Ottaway, ...
These economic and social changes are degrading living standards and working conditions of millions of people, dislocating populations, and increasing social polarization along lines of race, ethnicity, gender, class, and nationality on a global scale.” (See Lipman (2006), p. 35–58, especially ...
EMF stands for Electromagnetic Field. EMF is one of the fourfundamental forcesof nature. All matter, living or nonliving, produces electromagnetic radiation. The various manifestations of electromagnetic radiation share one fundamental property: the electric charge. Infrared Sauna Dangers & EMF Concerns -...
A cellular phone is basically a radio that sends signals on waves to a base station. The carrier signal generates two types of radiation fields: a near-field plume and a far-field plume. Living organisms, too, generate electromagnetic fields at the cellular, tissue, organ, and organism level...
BRITISH COLUMBIA:Cedar Rock: Oasis for Quiet Livingnear Osoyoos, BC–A 320-acre property located 50 km east of Osoyoos, BC, on Hwy 3.This sanctuary has not yet been built. It is in the planning stage, and the vision is quite large and impressive. See website for details. Cedar Rock ...
possible link between living near power lines and leukemia in children. Another study has found that any long-term exposure higher than 0.4 µT can potentially double the risk of leukemia. (This was later confirmed by the International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC), a subsidiary of ...
(sometimes called powerline ethernet or broadband over power lines) whereby special adapters are used to send the Internet signal through your electrical wiring is being touted as a safe alternative to WiFi. This can give rise to dirty electricity issues. A number of people have reported ...
The fundamental premise of the CSR movement is the belief that corporations should adhere to a variety of performance standards adopted not for their effects on productivity or income, but because they are inherently worthy moral goals. These standards could include paying "living wages" to employees...
14 die of cancer in seven years living next to phone mast with highest radiation levels in UK Cell Tower Near Preschool Threatens to Close Down the Business (and Harm the Children) Children in Ireland Protest against Cell Tower at their School ...