Keep Kids from Internet Dangers
The internet can pose serious dangers to children. It can also open doors of wonder for them that previous generations could not even have dreamed of. Help ensure that your children’s online safety so they experience the joys and opportunities of the online world, and avoid its hazards. Be ...
Giving our kids smartphones or tablets to “fit in” and enjoy the benefits of the Internet has become the new norm. Unfortunately, the Internet is not a safe place for kids due to the many dangers it brings along. From online predators to cyberbullying and exposure to objectionable content...
The conversation around keeping your children safe has come a long way from not talking to strangers and being home before dark. Internet safety for kids has become one of the most challenging parental discussions to have. It’s turning out to be a required conversation at a very young age....
“The only danger of information on any platform, is that it is wrong information,” he said. “But that’s the danger for the entire Internet. If you identify with the symptoms of ADHD, it’s up to the professional to screen out the people who don’t have it. It’s not up to ...
WhatsApp is a free message service that operates when the smartphone is connected to the internet. The statistics regarding the use and number of users on WhatsApp inform that this is the matchless and unbeatable SMS service in today’s social media world. A user can communicate via SMS, and...
Sound off: What are some other dangers of pornography? Huddle Up Question Huddle up with your kids and ask, “Have you ever been in a dangerous situation that could have been avoided?” LEAVE A COMMENT Facebook Twitter Print Email
Here are a few ideas to stay consistent in your efforts to decrease the use of YouTube in your household: Create a daily schedule for your children Strengthen your mindset and help your kids do the same Designate a specific time to turn off electronics each night ...
What Can We Do To Protect Our Kids? What's the danger, anyway? Not everyone believes that Internet ads are as damaging as they are claimed to be. That's whyPublicis Frankfurt, a German ad agency, ran a campaign to show just how much of an impact a single advertisement can have. ...
Keeping kids safe in cyberspace: Pediatricians should talk to patients, parents about Internet dangers Children are spending more and more time on the Internet. We worry about the appropriate amount of time spent on this activity and its impact on other activities such as reading, exercising and ...