So if you really can’t drink your tea or coffee without using some kind of sweetener, consider this: It’s not the beverage itself that you enjoy; it’s simply a sugar delivery system for you. To your health! Leyla Muedin, MS, RD, CDN General...
No-calorie sweeteners may sound like a good idea when you look to lose weight, but they aren’t. Their side effects far outweigh potential benefits of a low-calorie sweetener, and they are actually linked with weight gain, not weight loss. ...
Overall, saccharin isprobablythe safest artificial sweetener currently available on the market, although it’s now not used as much as it used to be, and when it is used, it tends to be mixed with other artificial sweeteners which are known to be extremely toxic. Finally, becausestudieshave ...
Aspartame causes disease, Equal sweetener is toxic, Dangers of Nutrasweet , artificial sweetener, phenylalanine in gum, Aspartame changes to formaldehyde, Health risks of diet soda
Fructose: The Un-friendly Sweetener Found in Fruit Many people mistakenly believe that sugar from fruit is better than other kinds of sugar. Fruit is healthy, right? Not so fast… Three (3) medjool datescontain a whopping48 grams of sugar– more than a 16 oz. bottle of Coke!
ARTIFICIAL SWEETENER - A Special Feature... Making Life Sweet - Splenda®: Is It Safe Or Not? Equal's maker, Merisant Worldwide, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy View More Entries... Sweetpoison, written by author Dr. Janet Starr Hull, is a book exposing aspartame dangers.
So what are the hidden dangers of a low carbohydrate (AKA “ketogenic”) diet? Here are the low carbohydrate risks, in ten steps: 1. Your body stores carbohydrate, mostly in your liver and muscles, in the form of glycogen.Depending on your size, you can store roughly in ...
It is important to avoid high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), as it is believed to produce more AGEs than other types. This type of sweetener is made by changing the sugar in cornstarch to fructose to extend the shelf life of foods. HFCS is a popular ingredient in soda, fruit-flavored drin...
Splenda's legal troubles began last year when Merisant, maker of NutraSweet and Equal, filed a false-advertising complaint with the National Advertising Division of the Better Business Bureau, the industry's ...