The impact of electromagnetic waves on health has been clearly established by many studies in recent decades. No State, with the exception of Russia, takes any real precautions in terms of standards for the population. Conflicts of interest and political lies are used to hide the truth about ...
Electromagnetic Waves | Uses & Examples from Chapter 19 / Lesson 2 329K Understand what an electromagnetic wave is. Learn about the different types of electromagnetic waves, and explore examples of electromagnetic waves in daily life. Related...
electromagneticfieldsdangerspotentialeffectfrequencies F–67075StrasbourgCedex||Tel:+33388412000|Fax:+33388412733 Doc.12608 6May2011 Thepotentialdangersofelectromagneticfieldsandtheireffect ontheenvironment Report 1 CommitteeontheEnvironment,AgricultureandLocalandRegionalAffairs Rapporteur:MrJeanHUSS,Luxem...
X-ray of herniated disc between L4 and L5. X-rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation that can pass through solid objects, including the body. X-rays penetrate different objects more or less according to their density. In medicine, X-rays are used to view images of the bones and oth...
A cellular phone is basically a radio that sends signals on waves to a base station. The carrier signal generates two types of radiation fields: a near-field plume and a far-field plume. Living organisms, too, generate electromagnetic fields at the cellular, tissue, organ, and organism level...
electromagnetic fields can actually stimulate the genome of the Epstein-Barr Virus (Grimaldi et al 1997), the herpes virus responsible for mononucleosis in the US or aka glandular fever in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. A number of herpes-family viruses (e.g. CMV, EBV, HH6V) are ...
UV is found in sunlight and is a form of EMR with high frequency waves. The biological effects of UV radiation depend on the wavelengths concerned. The non-ionizing UV spectrum has a wavelength shorter than that of visible light but longer than an X-ray (100 nanometers [nm] to 400nm) ...
“[M]icrowaves could be used for… causing pain or death when the brain is targeted due to the thermal effect of microwaves. Electromagnetic waves may be used to disrupt an enemy soldier’s nervous system, to cause epileptic seizures, or to warm their body fluids as though they were ...
The specific absorption rate – or SAR as it is known – refers to the rate of electromagnetic energy that is absorbed by the human body when using cell phones and other devices emitting radio waves. It is measured in Watts per Kg of human tissue. If the SAR limit of cell phones is 1....
All appliances working on electricity produce a toxic electromagnetic field (EMF) of approximately 60 hertz. This is over and above potential microwave leakage from appliances or devices. Microwave ovens can leak Microwave leakage is serious enough that the FDA sets strict limits on it for the manu...