While not necessarily dangerous, taking zeolite supplements , writes Lijec Vjesn of the Institute Ruder Boskovic, may be considered as effective as clay eating, which was an ancient remedy for various illnesses. byryo/iStock/GettyImages Oral chelation therapy is a treatment used to rid the body...
Inordinate amounts of baking soda may be inhaled by accident causing respiratory irritation or pneumonia. Respiratory distress or damage from powdery inhalants is more often linked to talc powders — such as baby powder — or dusty clay litter. To be safe, it is best to avoid any kind of du...
Another nasty, common food poisoning infection comes fromE. coli. This is an extremely common type of bacteria that is usually harmless. But some strains can produce Shiga toxin, which can make people sick from eating it. Ground beef is a common source ofE. colioutbreaks. Although some infect...