LED lamps, whether used as components for interior lighting or screens, are of concern if they are used for extended viewing times and at short distance. While we can protect ourselves from natural blue light by wearing colored glasses which filter out, on both front and back surfaces, the ...
While all EMFs are harmful in some way, knowing the frequency of radiation is important when analyzing the risks. Power lines, for example, were one of the first ELF sources to blip on the radar of public concern. They can measure at 20 µT when standing right underneath them. As early...
WiFi in schools, with their industrial strength routers in some cases just several feet from young children, that are hundreds of times more powerful than the ones in your home or cafe, wireless computers, and tablets in the hands of children emit microwave radiation in close proximity to the ...
Technicians have been given free rein to dream up ways of attacking populations: fromunder manhole covers; fromcabinets on the street; fromlamp posts that blast blue lightwith no more diffusers,[l] as well as 5G EMR in laser-like beams; from adhesive strips of tiny butpowerful antennas hidde...
Take regular breaks, get out of your chair away from your computer every 20 minutes or so. Avoid using your computer at night and avoid other blue light exposures before you go to bed. 9. Antioxidant food.Much has been said about the value ofantioxidant foodsin keeping us healthy generally...