While not necessarily dangerous, taking zeolite supplements , writes Lijec Vjesn of the Institute Ruder Boskovic, may be considered as effective as clay eating, which was an ancient remedy for various illnesses. byryo/iStock/GettyImages Oral chelation therapy is a treatment used to rid the body...
Bentonite/ French clay: historically, clay masks are a top clarifying and detox mask ingredient for glowing skin. It’s also a key ingredient in the homemade tooth cleaner recipe we use. Honey: very healing for the skin and helps promote probiotic activity and reduce acne. Milk: Even if yo...
Pyrophillie clay (otherwise called “sacred clay“) to pull radiation and metals out of the body and replenish the body with minerals. I take it internally once or twice a week and put it in a bath at least twice a week. Some people prefer bentonite clay. ...