U.S. News & World Report ranked the Most Dangerous Places based on what matters most so you can make informed decisions.
The crime rates in Modesto have landed it in the thirteenth position on the list of the most dangerous places to live. However,Time has ranked this cityin the fifth position on their list of the places in California where people are the most terrified to live. This is partially due to th...
However, not all Los Angelesneighborhoodsregarding crime,gang activities, and safety are equal. But like most big cities, there are still a couple of places to be watchful over. Read on to know what areas of LA are dangerous. Current Crime Situation in Los Angeles Los Angeles, perceived as ...
Roger Gass, a meteorologist in the weather service’s office in Monterey, California, said the warning of a possible tornado in San Francisco was a first for the city, noting an advanced alert did not go out before the last tornado struck nearly 20 years a...
Be sure to run Windows Update, as well as the software update features in the other programs that you use every day. 2)Be password smart. As tempting as it is to use the same password in multiple places, don’t. And use longer passwords, too-they’re harder to crack. If you have ...
Businesses announced plans to open late Saturday as temperatures rose high enough in the afternoon to melt the ice in most places. “Luckily some warmer air is moving in behind this to make it temporary,” said Dave Cousins, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service...
Businesses announced plans to open late Saturday as temperatures rose high enough in the afternoon to melt the ice in most places. “Luckily some warmer air is moving in behind this to make it temporary,” said Dave Cousins, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service’s office in Davenp...
Official air quality advisories are graded on a color scale of green, yellow, orange, red and purple, and air quality in Los Angeles on Monday and Tuesday went from "green" for "good quality" to "yellow," for "moderately hazardous," and in some places bleeding into "orange," which is...
But in some places, you risk your freedom and even your life by using the PAH as a means of travel. Certainly, a dangerous section of the PAH winds through Mexico and Central America, where drug cartel terrorists roam. And in the Panamanian section of the road, you could encounter FARC...
“Martinelli has ties to a crime family out of Chicago. He’s been in San Francisco for a few years supposedly squeaky clean with his company, but his family’s been under investigation numerous times.” “Maybe he really is legit,” Libby said. “If no one’s been able to find anythi...