Danger! Books may change your life Culture points Lewis Carroll(1832—898) is the pen-name of Charles Dodgson. He was a priest, a mathematician whotaught at Oxford Univers ity, a photographer, humorist and writer of childrenAlice '' ssliterature. Adventures in Wonderland (1865) was immediatel...
How did the inquisition stop the spread of books and information? Why and when did the inquisition end? READ MORE Episode 16 - Expert Opinion - Michael Shermer In this episode, we join up with historian of science Dr. Michael Shermer to investigate the cross-fertilization between science and ...
Roughly one-third of students are also in favor of banning controversial books from their university library. Furthermore, we find evidence for conformity pressures on campus. One-quarter of all students report personal attacks for voicing an unpopular opinion and one-third feel reluctant to openly...
Islam did not have to be accommodated, and could remain essentially externalized from European societies—at least in the public realm. Once it became evident towards the end of the 20thcentury that large groups of Muslims were in Europe to stay, “the Muslim” rather than “the Turk,”“the...
point-of-view content. With as many people as there are that work on keeping the Wikipedia running, all strictly volunteer, most all vandalism is immediately spotted and removed. When there is a recurring problem, steps are taken to prevent further vandalism, such as the banning of ip ...
There maybe some confusion regarding possession of stun guns and tasers, however, a court ruling on the matter should address any cloudiness regarding their legality when carried for self defense. Various media reports say the law banning civilian tasers and stun guns is still on the books, how...