When the drivers open the door before you get to the vehicle, it's almost always a good sign. It means "We're here to help. It doesn't matter where you're going, you can come along in our direction for as long as you'd like." A nice old couple greeted me when I got inside...
My gripe is that since that date I’ve had to endure a sign which frankly appalls me. What was going through the mind of the MBTA employee who declared ‘Danger Overhead Catenary Wires Are Alive!? For those of you who need a little prodding as to my indignation, the catenary ...
I also took mine apart after they'd failed and was faced with a similar set-up to you. In fact one of my brown 'live' wires looked as though it had been beaten to death with the soldering iron.. About two inches away from it's joint it was right down to the copper wire, and ...