Pressure gauge with contector CIBIERRE SEGMENTI IPC 1.5 MAX L/180 维修包 SCHUNK SDA-PGN+200Seal/kit/ID:0370897 备件 WIKA PGS23.1X0 备件 LUTZE 716430 备件 DYNABOX 63 M19.5RFH1 总线模块 BECKHOFF BK5250 插针 STAUBLI B27586151 备件 AMO MHS-211.10-8 探头 CYGNUS 型号T7A,货号 004-9575 传感器 ...
CI9 Contactor 9A 4p 415/500V 朗米自动化销售 027F0654 PISTON RING 朗米自动化销售 020-6011 NRVE 10s Check Valve SW M/100 朗米自动化销售 032U528602 EV220B 18B G 34N NC000 BB024DS 朗米自动化销售 060G2850 MBD 1000 display for MBT/MBS/AKS 朗米自动化销售 060-314466 KPS35 Pressure Contro...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Danfoss丹佛斯Pressure switch, type CS 安装指南.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Installation guide Pressure switch CS 089 2 2 0 0 0 0 9 9 R R 1 1 3 3 0 0 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 B G , B N ...
Highly reliable spring contacts for electrical connections UL recognized: File no. E63532 Housing MiniSKiiP II 0 Part Number 25232530 Product Line MiniSKiiP Product Status In production Product Type SKiiP 02NAC12T4V1 Switches CI Technology
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otr [Danfoss Type] CI 300EL - - - IP00/Chassis [kg/lbs] 221/488 234/516 236/521 277/611 IP20/NEMA 1 [kg/lbs] 263/580 270/596 272/600 313/690 IP54/NEMA 12 [kg/lbs] 263/580 270/596 272/600 313/690 [W] 7630 7701 8879 9428 IP00/Chassis/IP 20/NEMA 1/IP54/NEMA 12 1...
Belt type 55W 118U0551 PTC35W, with heat transfer paste 7773100 Receivers 118U0003 118U0004 118U0005 118U0006 Contactors CI 6 037H001531 CI 9 037H002131 CI 12 037H003131 CI 15 037H004931 CI 20 037H004531 CI 6 037H001531
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