WorkSmart Network Information Session - Dane County Join us for anin personinformation session at1819 Aberg Aveto learn more about the WorkSmart Network in Dane County. Whether you're looking for job training, career counseling, or assistance with your job search, this session is perfect for yo...
On June 9, County Executive Joe Parisi announced that he had chosen former Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney, whoretired a few years agoclaiming he hada better job opportunity, to act as the temporary director of the county’sDepartment of Justice Reform. The newly-formed county office will...
He will stand no chance though he may have the finest understanding of any man in the shire[county]. It will be so here [in America]. Where is the chance that a poor man can come forward with the rich? The Honorable Gentleman will find that instead of supporting Democratical principal...