Dandelion leaves also providegood amountsof vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and E (alpha-tocopherol).Vitamin Cis crucial for proper absorption of iron, as well as for bone formation and immunity, whereasvitamin Estrengthens the immune system so that it can fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Ad...
Dandelion is effective to counteract the jaundice and helps to cure it. It enhances the health of the liver and regulates the production of bile. It has diuretic properties that enhance the urination which helps to remove the excess bile. Luteolin and Vitamin C acts and an antioxidant and disi...
It has a complex classification, comprising over three hundred species [1]. In Asia, the Taraxacum genus is widely cultivated and also found wild in most parts of China, North Korea, Mongolia, and Russia [2]. It grows in temperate regions globally, including on lawns, on roadsides, on ...