I took my first Middle Eastern dance class with Souzana a few years ago and she made me never want to stop dancing. I always loved Souzana’s classes and teaching style. She always had a good variety of classes for the year and brought lots of knowledge to each one of them. I alway...
To deliver excellence in a fun, healing culture by helping others build relationships and exercise interpersonal connection via Latin dance. So Let’s Get Started! Learn the basics by yourself or with a partner while having fun every step of the way. Finally get all of your questions answered...
I also regard it as a way of physical exercise. LZ is more famous than us now. When we engage in an activity, I may be asked whether I am his mother. I support him. In turn, he makes me happy (smiles with relief). Shouldering Responsibilities at the Sunshine Home Q: When did LZ...
. Continued heavy exercise can weaken your immune system and I’ve run myself down in the past after suddenly thinking it would be a good idea to go dancing every night for a week straight (I’m usually a 2 or 3 nights a week kind-of-guy). Fever Fest, however, was my first time...
aI live better than ever. I have given up smoking, and I eat a lot vegetables; I enjoy walking swimming and dancing classes. I exercise and eat well because I love living,not beause I want to lose weight. My doctor tells me I am healthy,and this is much more important than bring ...
I had no headphones with me, but was enjoying the birdsong in the trees. Time: I was very slowly jog walking, barely keeping ahead of the tail walker, so 51 minutes. Do I care? I’m out there taking some exercise in the fresh air. ...
I used to say to my children over and over again. “Daddy and I cannot make you into great people. You have the power to determine how strong you become by how you exercise your will. We can train you and teach you how to be good and how to be righteous, but you have to decide...
Mum is now ensconced in her nursing home, while Dad is still in the hospital with his hip. He was looking awful for the last 3 weeks, but something has finally clicked for him now and he’s starting to exercise. Sad news that Evan28 and Jenna have broken up. They still care deeply...
“Since you started watching me on the weekends. It’s why I wanted lessons. En Pointe auditions (选拔赛) are next month, but Mrs. Gail doesn’t think I’m ready. Can you dance with me for the audition? None of the boys in my class wanted to dance with me,” Emily said. ...
"I've always loved dance ever since I was a little girl and so finally found a type of dance as an adult that I love," said Rodriguez. "And it's also social. It's not just exercise. It's a social exercise. We get to have dances. We have a class and there are different level...