DANCES WITH WOLVES (Film).Reviews the DVD 'Dances With Wolves Special Edition,' directed by and starring Kevin Costner, also starring Mary McDonnell.EBSCO_bspBillboard
英文片名:DANCES WITH WOLVES 南北戰爭的英雄鄧巴中尉為了尋找新生活﹐騎馬來到神祕的西部,他被派到最偏僻的哨所塞克威克,大草原的壯美深深吸引了鄧巴﹐他決定獨自在無人的哨所住下。鄧巴過著平靜而單調的生活,無邊無垠的蒼天原野是他的天堂,鄧巴還和一隻兩條前腿都是白色的野狼交上朋友﹐並取名為“兩隻白襪”。
Dances with Wolves: Kevin Costner द्वारा निर्देशित. Kevin Costner, Mary McDonnell, Graham Greene, Rodney A. Grant के साथ. लेफ्टिनेंट जॉन डनबर,
The biggest mistakes you never noticed in Dances with Wolves (1990). Add more and vote on your favourites!
Salas, Randy A
DVD:普通清晰BD:高清无水印HD:高清TS:抢先非清晰 如果视频加载失败,可刷新或切换线路 请收藏本站唯一网址 [] 以免丢失! 破晓电影: 提供《名医话养生》免费在线高清流畅播放,还提供影片详情、相关资讯、相关搜索、同类影片推荐、影片评等内容。若没有资源,可留言反馈。
was going to say, 'Morgan hasn't won, but Ben Affleck has one'. And Martin Scorsese doesn't have an Oscar, but Kevin Costner has two for directing and producing Dances with Wolves." According to a witness, the crowd ate it ... O Abel,M Wong,J Wren,... - 《People》 被引量: ...
Chapter 2: Long-Term Research on Wolves in the Superior National Forest The seeds for the blossoming of the wolf (Canis lupus) population throughout the upper Midwest were embodied in a long line of wolves that had persisted in... LD Mech - Recovery of Gray Wolves in the Great Lakes Regi...