Dance lessons are a great way to burn calories. The exercise will help you strengthen and tone your muscles. Plus, dancing is a fun way to spend an hour. You’ll be laughing with your friends and forgetting all of your stress. A dance lesson allows students of all ages to explore the...
Learn Piano & Burn Calories! Today • 7:00 PM + 18 more Ottawa From $20.00Save this event: PIANO ZUMBA OTTAWA [ONLINE]: 1 Song, 1 Hour. Learn Piano & Burn Calories!Share this event: PIANO ZUMBA OTTAWA [ONLINE]: 1 Song, 1 Hour. Learn Piano & Burn Calories! Sales end soon ...
That’s an example ofHasapiko, a Greek folk dance that originated in Asia Minor in the Middle Ages, where it was performed by butchers with swords. Nowadays, this dance has ditched the weapons, but it still includes some killer moves.Hasapikoand its faster version,Hasaposerviko,are still lin...