Dance in the CountryPierre Auguste
加莱特磨坊的舞蹈(Dance at Moulin de la Galette)皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿(Pierre-Auguste Renoir) 3播放 宫娥(Las Meninas)迭戈·委拉斯开兹 (Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y, 1599 - 1660) 6播放 吻(The Kiss)古斯塔夫·克里姆特(Gustav Klimt,1862 - 1918) 12播放 乌菲齐特里布纳(Tribuna of t...
皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿(Pierre-Auguste Renoir) 法国印象画派的著名画家、雕刻家 描绘幸福的大师:雷诺瓦 Pierre Auguste Renoir 1841 ~ 1919 French雷诺瓦是出生在法国巴黎利摩日一个穷裁缝的家里的一个经典印象派画家,少年时的雷诺瓦便被送到瓷器厂去学习手艺。但画瓷器和画屏风这项工作使他产生了对绘画的兴趣,...
who, during her lifetime, the tabloids loved to bash. The film begins with her birth into a Jewish family, her parents’ divorce, the discovery of her amazing and unique talent, rise in the music industry, troubled marriage, ongoing battle with addiction and bulimia with the resulting dysfunc...
Dance at BougivalRenoir, PierreAuguste
Dance at Bougival IIPierre Auguste Renoir
Pierre-Auguste Renoir:La GrenouillèreLa Grenouillère, oil on canvas by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, 1869; in the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. 2 of 2 What happened when two Impressionist artists painted the same scenePicture this: It's a sunny afternoon at La Grenouillère in 1869. ...
Edgar Degas:A Woman Seated Beside a Vase of Flowers (Madame Paul Valpinçon?)A Woman Seated Beside a Vase of Flowers (Madame Paul Valpinçon?), oil on canvas by Edgar Degas, 1865; in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. ...
France - Dance, Ballet, Folk: France is famous for developing ballet. In 1581 the Ballet comique de la reine was performed at the French court of Catherine de Médicis. Because it fused the elements of music, dance, plot, and design into a dramatic whole